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US "Accidentally" Blows Up 10 Iraqi Troops In First "Friendly Fire" Accident Of ISIS Fight

“It is not in doubt. ISIS is almost finished. They are weak. If only America would stop supporting them, we could defeat them in days.”

That’s a quote from Mustafa Saadi, a Shiite commander who participated in the fight to retake the ISIS-controlled Baiji refinery near Siniya, Iraq in October. 

Japan Prepares Missile Blockade In East China Sea To Halt Chinese "Maritime Aggression"

Japan Prepares Missile Blockade In East China Sea To Halt Chinese "Maritime Aggression"

Late last month in “South Pacific Showdown? Japan May Send Warships To China Islands,” we documented a meeting between Japanese PM Shinzo Abe and Philippines President Benigno Aquino on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit held in Manila. 

The two leaders discussed the possibility that Japan could provide Manila with “large ships” that the Philippines can use to patrol the South China Sea. 

This was, of course, a direct response to China, whose land reclamation efforts in the Spratlys have ruffled more than a few feathers in the South Pacific. 
