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US Violations of Nuclear Treaty

US Violations of Nuclear Treaty

From a Russian Perspective Washington’s unsubstantiated claims of Russian violations of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty are cover for Washington’s violations.

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Phillips Curve R.I.P.

For a decade central banks have printed enormous quantities of new money. The excuse is to stimulate the economy by reviving inflation. However, the money has, for the most part, driven up the prices of financial assets instead of consumer and producer prices. The result has been a massive increase in the inequality of income, wealth, and opportunity.

The Charge of the Invisible Army of Kremlin Trolls By Diana Johnstone

Diana Johnstone explains that President Trump can be excused from being prosecuted as a Russian agent if he will give up his intention of normalizing relations with the necessary enemy of the US military/security complex and join in the orchestrated demonization of Russia.

Washington Trembles
The Charge of the Invisible Army of Kremlin Trolls
By Diana Johnstone
31 December 2017

Russian Tankers Reportedly Caught Selling Oil To North Korea

Russian Tankers Reportedly Caught Selling Oil To North Korea

After Chinese vessels were "caught red handed" - in the words of President Trump - by US spy satellites, illegally selling oil to North Korea, and following this morning's news that a Hong Kong ship was seized after transferring oil to North Korea, Reuters  is reporting 'two senior Western European security sources' confirm Russian tankers have supplied fuel to North Korea on at least three occasions in recent months by transferring cargoes at sea.

China Tests Hypersonic Weapon, Rendering US THAAD Powerless

China Tests Hypersonic Weapon, Rendering US THAAD Powerless

The art of (future) war is rapidly evolving with Beijing spearheading the push into the first modern operational hypersonic glide vehicle (HGV). According to The Diplomat, the weapon, known as the Dong Feng (“East Wind”), DF-17 for short, is designed to challenge existing missile defense systems, such as America’s anti-ballistic missile defense system called: Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD).
