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9 Of The Top 10 U.S. Occupations Pay Miserly Wages

9 Of The Top 10 U.S. Occupations Pay Miserly Wages

With Dora Mekouar of VOAnews

9 of 10 Largest US Occupations Pay Miserly Wages

Of the 10 largest occupations in the United States, only one - registered nurse - makes more than the national average when it comes to all U.S. jobs.

Nurses make $69,790 annually while the average U.S. worker makes $47,230, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The bureau’s Occupational Employment Statistics program provides employment and wage estimates for more than 800 occupations nationwide.

At 108 US Colleges, More Than Half Of Students Haven't Paid Even $1 On Their Student Loans

That the student loan bubble is one of the many "subprime" crises (because as of this moment there are just too many asset bubbles to count thanks to 7 years of global ZIRP, NIRP and QE) has been documented here ever since 2012. We also explained that the main reason for soaring college costs is the cheap and easily accessible government-funded student debt, which at last check was over $1.2 trillion and rising exponentially. 

What Really Went Wrong With The US Military's Syria "Train And Equip" Program

Regular readers are no doubt familiar with The Pentagon’s ill-fated “train and assist” program for properly “vetted” Syrian rebels. 

The program was announced to quite a bit of fanfare - and quite a bit of ridicule due to the burgeoning debate over what counts as a “moderate” fighter - back in May and the idea was to field a group of fighters 5,400 strong by the end of the calendar year. In all, the effort was set to cost US taxpayers some $500 million. 
