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If Washington Were Serious About Defeating Terrorism, It Would Have An Entirely Different Playbook

Excerpted from Stephen Walt's "The Unbearable Lightness of America’s War Against the Islamic State" originally published in FP

If Washington were really serious about defeating terrorism, it would have an entirely different playbook.

In the classic World War II novel The Caine Mutiny, author Herman Wouk quoted an “ancient adage” about the typical bureaucratic response to a crisis:

“When in danger or in doubt, Run in circles, scream and shout.”

Is ISIS Simply A "Saudi Army In Disguise"?

Authored by F. William Engdahl via New Eastern Outlook,

In recent weeks one nation after another is falling over themselves, literally, to join the turkey shoot known, erroneously, as the war in Syria, ostensibly against the Islamic State or Daesh. The most wanted but most feared question is where will this war frenzy lead, and how can it be stopped short of dragging the entire planet into a world war of destruction?

AUDIO: Robert Scheer Hosts John Kiriakou -- A Whistleblower on Torture

Kiriakou served two years in prison for exposing President Bush's "lie" about the U.S. torture program. He tells Scheer how the CIA -- an organization created to recruit spies to steal secrets -- evolved into a "paramilitary force," how the U.S. drone program "creates terrorists" by killing innocent civilians, and how the Obama administration uses the Espionage Act as a political tool to threaten whistleblowers.
