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United States

U.S. Border Crossings Have Become Authoritarian Testing Grounds

U.S. Border Crossings Have Become Authoritarian Testing Grounds

Authored by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

Last week, my brother and his longterm girlfriend entered these United States at JFK international airport in New York City. She’s a Chinese citizen with a tourist (B1/B2 visa), which leads to many restrictions on when she’s allowed to enter and for how long. They are always meticulous about playing everything exactly by the book, and this time was no different.

Dow 25,000 In Sight As Tax Cuts Are "Priced In" One Last Time

Dow 25,000 In Sight As Tax Cuts Are "Priced In" One Last Time

Dow futures are up some 80 points this morning after early on Wednesday morning the Senate passed the Tax Reform bill in a party-line vote, and is now set to become law after a follow-up vote in the House and Trump's signature some time on Wednesday afternoon. The good news is that the biggest political drama of 2017 will then be over. The bad news is that once the bill becomes law, the market will no longer be able to "price it in" every single day as it has for the past year.

In From The Cold: CIA Gesture Indicates Thawing US-Russia Ties

In From The Cold: CIA Gesture Indicates Thawing US-Russia Ties

Authored by MK Bhadrakumar via The Asia Times,

In the annals of Russian-American relations, it is difficult to recall a precedent for the Kremlin leader calling his White House counterpart to convey his personal gratitude and appreciation for the profound contribution made by the US’ Central Intelligence Agency and its director to Russian national security.

The great irony is that the incumbent Kremlin boss is a former KGB officer. Vladimir Putin never ceases to surprise.
