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The Great Oil Swindle

The Great Oil Swindle

Authored by Chris Martenson via,

... is leading us to destruction.

When it comes to the story we're being told about America's rosy oil prospects, we're being swindled. 

At its core, the swindle is this: The shale industry's oil production forecasts are vastly overstated.

Swindle:  Noun  - A fraudulent scheme or action.

What's In The Final Republican Tax Bill: Goldman Explains

What's In The Final Republican Tax Bill: Goldman Explains

While we published both the full text(1,097 pages) and the "explanatory" statement (only 570 pages) released by the House-Senate conference committee on the final Republican Tax Bill, also known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), we are confident not many readers - or anyone else for that matter - will read the full text.

So, as we previewded yesterday, here again is the Cliff Notes version of what the GOP agreed on late on Friday, and which will be voted early to mid-next week by both the House and the Senate:

Iran Joins EAEU - 45 Years Of US Foreign Policy Down The Drain

Authored by Tom Luongo,

Iran is joining the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). By early next year, February by this account, Iran will join the five founding members of the Union and open the door for Turkey to do so later in 2018.

Between this and the end of the war in Syria, it’s not hard to declare the Brzezinski Doctrine of U.S.-led Central Asian chaos as gasping its last breaths.
