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Bitcoin Has A "Whale" Problem: 1,000 Investors Control Nearly Half The Market

Bitcoin Has A "Whale" Problem: 1,000 Investors Control Nearly Half The Market

If Jay Gould were alive today, he would've traded bitcoin.

Perhaps the most blatant hypocrisy perpetrated by bitcoin evangelists is their insistence that bitcoin and other digital currencies represent a return to a truly democratic financial system beyond the control of banks and other special interests, where players small and large can earn enormous profits simply by HODLing.

America First (After All Of You...) - Mapping Billions Of Dollars In Foreign Aid

America First (After All Of You...) - Mapping Billions Of Dollars In Foreign Aid

Donald Trump ran for President on the concept of “America First.” What does this mean in practice for his governing philosophy and foreign policy? Drastic cuts to foreign aid expenditures, namely, the money the U.S. sends to other countries for humanitarian, developmental and economic reasons. This made us wonder how much foreign aid the U.S. currently sends overseas and where the money is going, so we created a new viz. Per HowMuch:

"Jerusalem is Arab! Oh, Trump, You Madman": Dramatic Photos From "Day Of Rage" Protests Around The World

"Jerusalem is Arab! Oh, Trump, You Madman": Dramatic Photos From "Day Of Rage" Protests Around The World

The global outrage against Trump's unilateral decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital continued for a second day, and overnight the Muslim world was swept by a wave of deadly protests as millions protested Trump's announcement in a "day of rage". As reported earlier, a man was killed and hundreds injured in clashes in the West Bank, while US flags were burned at mass rallies in Iran, Pakistan and elsewhere.

Pat Buchanan Exposes "The Nutball The Neocons Wanted In NATO"

Pat Buchanan Exposes "The Nutball The Neocons Wanted In NATO"

Authored by Patrick Buchanan via,

Even interventionists are regretting some of the wars into which they helped plunge the United States in this century.

Among those wars are Afghanistan and Iraq, the longest in our history; Libya, which was left without a stable government; Syria’s civil war, a six-year human rights disaster we helped kick off by arming rebels to overthrow Bashar Assad; and Yemen, where a U.S.-backed Saudi bombing campaign and starvation blockade is causing a humanitarian catastrophe.
