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"Statement Of The Offense": Here Is Mueller's Full Case Against Flynn

As the public scrambles to uncover more information on just what Flynn knows, or doesn't know, and how exactly he is cooperating with Mueller, moments ago the Special Counsel has released the following "statement of the offense", i.e., i.e., Robert Mueller full case against Flynn, which he will hope to use and impeach Trump. It all boils down to two phone calls between a senior member of the Trump administration and the Russian ambassador to the US at the time.

Here is the key section:

Turkey Turmoils: Erdogan Exposed In Trial, Leaked Docs; Seeks Arrest Of CIA Analyst Over Coup Attempt

Turkey Turmoils: Erdogan Exposed In Trial, Leaked Docs; Seeks Arrest Of CIA Analyst Over Coup Attempt

Turkish President Erdogan's week just went from bad to worse...

After yesterday's Zarrab trial confirmed Erdogan was responsible for the secret gold trade with Iran that enabled the nation to evade US sanctions...

"What I’m saying is that the prime minister at that time period Recep Tayyip Erdogan and minister of the treasury ... had given orders to start doing this trade."

North Korea Says It Is "Ready For Nuclear War" With The US

North Korea Says It Is "Ready For Nuclear War" With The US

A Russian lawmaker on Friday said that North Korea doesn’t want nuclear war with the US - but that the country is “morally ready” for war after US threats and if it's left with no other option, RIA reported. At the same time, Russia's foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, chimed in, and according to interfax, said there are people in Washington "who wish to provoke Pyongyang to reckless actions" and warned the US that if it "wants to destroy North Korea" then it is playing with fire and making a great mistake.

US Manufacturing's Hurricane-Rebound Is Over: New Orders Sink, Costs Soar

US Manufacturing's Hurricane-Rebound Is Over: New Orders Sink, Costs Soar

The brief rebound in US manufacturing after the hurricanes appears to have ended as Markit's PMI dropped from 54.6 to 53.9 as new orders slowed amid soaring inflation. For once ISM Manufacturing also agreed with PMI - dropping to its lowest since July - with employment and export orders sinking.

While new orders slowed, the most notable item in the PMI data was that inflation is surging...

Russian Parliament To Ban Access To All US Reporters

In response to the recent crackdown against RT and Sputnik who saw their TV station credentials recently yanked by the US government, which is rapidly descending into a neo-McCarthyite abyss, Russia’s parliament said it could bar U.S. media from reporting within its walls in retaliation.

Olga Savastyanova of the State Duma told Russian news agencies on Friday that she expects the Duma to adopt the ban next week.
