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Obese Millennials Jeopardize America's Future: Study

Obese Millennials Jeopardize America's Future: Study

A new study from the New England Journal of Medicine indicates the current obesity epidemic trends in the United States are much worse than thought. The study was published on Wednesday and already has demographers, government officials, and scientist alarmed. The sobering report finds 57.3% of the nation’s children and teens will be obese by the age of 35 if the model continues.

America’s empire is now cracking under the weight of the millennial and the homeland generations’ poor eating habits.

US-China Economic Dialogue Has "Stalled; No Plans To Revive Talks": Malpass

At the start of the year, one of the often repeated risk factors was that a trade war between China and the US could break out due to Trump's hardline stance on the US trade deficit with Beijing. Since then, such fears have largely faded as the status quo re-established itself, and trade between the two nations has proceeded largely unchanged. However, one year later, dark clouds may finally be gathering.

WTI Slumps Despite OPEC 'Deal' As Russia Questions Remain

WTI Slumps Despite OPEC 'Deal' As Russia Questions Remain

Both WTI and RBOB prices are tumbling this morning after OPEC member agree to limit oil output through the end of 2018. While this is bullishly longer-than-expected (6-9mo was expected), OPEC members now rely on Russia to agree to these terms, and it appears the market is questioning that. Furthermore, despite US shale output at record highs, Saudi officials are shrugging off any impact.

DNC Lawyer Scrambles To Block Evidence From Hidden Laptop Tied To Wasserman Schultz

DNC Lawyer Scrambles To Block Evidence From Hidden Laptop Tied To Wasserman Schultz

Content originally published at

A lawyer for former DNC IT staffer Imran Awan is scrambling to block evidence found on a hidden laptop which may contain proof of a massive spy ring operating at the highest levels of Congress, in what may be the largest breach of National Security in U.S. history.

"It Could Reshape The Global Trading System For Decades" - US Rejects China's Bid "Market Economy" Status

"It Could Reshape The Global Trading System For Decades" - US Rejects China's Bid "Market Economy" Status

The US has filed a legal submission to the WTO as a third party, intervening in a case that China has brought against the European Union. The US rejects China’s argument that under the 2001 agreement, which confirmed China’s WTO status, it would should automatically be considered a “market economy” fifteen years after joining.
