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Who's Worse For The Environment: Merkel Or Trump?

Who's Worse For The Environment: Merkel Or Trump?

Authored by Mike Shedlock via,

Who has a worse track record on the environment: President Trump or German Chancellor Angela Merkel?

Let's investigate. 

Trump Stance and Results

On September 19, amid chatter that Trump might reverse his climate stance, CNBC reported Trump is still pulling out of Paris Agreement.

One day ago the LA Times reported As Trump administration touts coal at U.N U.S. cities and states target climate change.

Where Does It End?

Where Does It End?

Authored by Jeff Thomas via,

It’s nothing new.

Whenever a major country is in decline and approaching collapse, a contingent arises that does everything it can to speed up the process toward collapse.

This is always done in the same way:
