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"It's A Vicious Cycle": Goldman Abandons Equity Options Market-Making As Vol Collapses

"It's A Vicious Cycle": Goldman Abandons Equity Options Market-Making As Vol Collapses

October is historically the most volatile month of the year, but in 2017 - the average volatility of US equity markets dropped to an all-time record low...


... And you know something's wrong when, just like in early 2007 when the crash in vol killed the swaptions industry - just before all hell broke loose - Goldman Sachs is pulling back from U.S. options market-making on exchanges.

"The S&P Is Up 21% Since Trump's Election" And Other Market Anniversary Observations

"The S&P Is Up 21% Since Trump's Election" And Other Market Anniversary Observations

November 8 will mark the one year anniversary of one of the biggest political shocks in US history: the election of Donald Trump. Since that improbable victory, which so many experts had said would lead to a market crash, the S&P 500 has soared by 21% according to Goldman which calculates that the Trump rally so far ranks as the fourth-best 12-month gain following a presidential election since 1936, trailing only Bill Clinton (1996, 32%), John F. Kennedy (1960, 29%), and George H.W. Bush (1988, 23%).

1MDB Scandal Resurfaces As Singapore Cops Investigate Goldman's Lucrative Bond Issues

1MDB Scandal Resurfaces As Singapore Cops Investigate Goldman's Lucrative Bond Issues

We have another instalment in the investigation into the mind-boggling level of corruption at 1MDB, (1Malaysia Development Berhad), the Malaysian state-owned investment fund. Members of the Singapore police’s economic crime unit have interviewed current and former Goldman employees with respect to the 1MDB bond offerings arranged by the bank.
