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The Greatest Fear Today: The Lack Of Fear

The Greatest Fear Today: The Lack Of Fear

Authored by James Rickards via The Daily Reckoning,

Market crashes often happen not when everyone is worried about them, but when no one is worried about them.

Complacency and overconfidence are good leading indicators of an overvalued market set for a correction or worse. Prominent magazine covers are notorious for declaring a boundless bull market right at the top just before a crash or correction.

Obama Admin Lied; New Memos Reveal Uranium One Exports To "Europe And Asia" Via Canada

Obama Admin Lied; New Memos Reveal Uranium One Exports To "Europe And Asia" Via Canada

As the mainstream media continues to obsess over $100,000 worth Facebook ads allegedly purchased by Russian spies in 2016 seeking to throw the presidential election, behind the scenes, far removed from the sight of CNN and MSNBC, the Uranium One scandal, in which the Obama administration approved a deal that handed a Russian-controlled corporation 20% of America's uranium reserves despite the existence of an FBI investigation into ongoing illegal bribery, extortion and money laundering schemes, is slowly spiraling out of con

Trump Departs For Longest Asian Tour Since Bush Vomited On Japan's PM

Trump Departs For Longest Asian Tour Since Bush Vomited On Japan's PM

President Donald Trump is leaving his administration’s push to pass comprehensive tax reform before year’s end in the hands of his trusted deputies while he embarks this morning on a 10-day tour to Asia, where he’s expected to discuss, among other topics, the security threat that North Korea poses to both the region and to the world more broadly.
