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The American Left: RIP

The American Left: RIP

Paul Craig Roberts

Once upon a time the leftwing of the political spectrum was committed to the advancement of the working class and its protection from political and economic abuse by the owners of the means of production. Consequently, the leftwing was politically potent and reached a pinnacle of power when Henry Wallace was selected by Franklin D. Roosevelt as his third term vice president. Despite his wealth from the company he founded, Wallace stood for the farmer and the working class.

Uranium Deal Turns Spotlight on Hillary Clinton But Not the Way She Wanted

Uranium Deal Turns Spotlight on Hillary Clinton But Not the Way She Wanted

Submitted by Charles Ortel and Ekaterina Blinova

Hillary and Bill Clinton could have been involved in "pay-to-play" schemes, while transferring money through their charity in a non-transparent manner, according to Wall Street analyst and investigative journalist Charles Ortel who believes that the uranium deal may become the trigger for an all-out inquiry into the Clinton Foundation.

It Is Seven Times More Difficult To Get A Flight Attendant Job At Delta Than Enter Harvard

It Is Seven Times More Difficult To Get A Flight Attendant Job At Delta Than Enter Harvard

One of our preferred "off beat" economic indicators is how many workers apply at any one given moment in time for jobs that are hardly considered career-track. An example of this is the number of applicants for minimum wage line cook jobs at McDonalds, or flight attendant positions at Delta Airlines; conveniently, this is a series which we have tracked on and off for the past 7 years.

Top US General Describes Deadly Niger Ambush

Top US General Describes Deadly Niger Ambush

The top US general said on Monday that the American people, including the families of the fallen soldiers in Niger, deserve answers about this month's deadly ambush which claimed the lives of four US soldiers, including that of Army Sgt. La David Johnson, whose widow Myeshia Johnson has been involved in an escalating feud with President Trump over the contents of his controversial phone call meant to deliver condolences.
