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Iranian Parliament Speaker Says US "Will Regret" Withdrawing From Nuclear Deal

Iranian Parliament Speaker Says US "Will Regret" Withdrawing From Nuclear Deal

Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said Monday that the US would face stiff consequences if it withdraws from the JCPA – informally known as the Iran deal.

Speaker of Iran's parliament Ali Larijani said that Iran "had a developed plan and a certain law,” should the United States withdraw from the agreement on Tehran's nuclear program, adding that Washington would "regret it,” Sputnik reported.

Larijani made the statement in St. Petersburg where he was taking part in a parliamentary forum.

WORLD’S LARGEST OIL COMPANIES: Deep Trouble As Profits Vaporize While Debts Skyrocket

WORLD’S LARGEST OIL COMPANIES: Deep Trouble As Profits Vaporize While Debts Skyrocket

By the SRSrocco Report,

The world's largest oil companies are in serious trouble as their balance sheets deteriorate from higher costs, falling profits and skyrocketing debt.  The glory days of the highly profitable global oil companies have come to an end.  All that remains now is a mere shadow of the once mighty oil industry that will be forced to continue cannibalizing itself to produce the last bit of valuable oil.

Black Monday 2.0: The Next Machine-Driven Meltdown

Black Monday 2.0: The Next Machine-Driven Meltdown

Authord by Ben Levisohn via Barrons,

In the rise of computer-driven trading, some hear echoes of the stock market’s 1987 crash. Beware the feedback loop...

Black Monday. Although the event to which those two words refer occurred 30 years ago, they still carry the weight of that day—Oct. 19, 1987—when the Dow Jones Industrial Average shed nearly a quarter of its value in wave after wave of selling.

North Korea Drops Propaganda Leaflets On Seoul: "Let's Behead Mad Dog Trump, Death To The Old Lunatic"

North Korea Drops Propaganda Leaflets On Seoul: "Let's Behead Mad Dog Trump, Death To The Old Lunatic"

Following President Trump's United Nations' speech threats to "totally destroy" North Korea, lambasting the North's leader Kim Jong-un as "a rocket man on a suicide mission," it appears he is not the only one capable of public and aggressive hyperbole.

As The Independent reports, propaganda fliers presumed to be from North Korea and calling US President Donald Trump a “mad dog” have turned up across central Seoul, including near the presidential Blue House, according to posts on social media and people who found them.

Netflix Jumps After Smashing Subscriber Expectations, Unveils $17 Billion In Content Commitments

Netflix Jumps After Smashing Subscriber Expectations, Unveils $17 Billion In Content Commitments

After some initial confusion, Netflix stock surged after hours, a repeat of what it did last quarter, soaring above its all time high price, up over 2% after reporting Q3 numbers which while beating slightly on revenues ($2.99Bn, Exp. $2.97Bn), and beating modestly on non-GAAP EPS (GAAP EPS$0.29, non-GAAP EPS $0.37, exp. $0.32), were far more remarkable for the subscriber numbers, which smashed expectations as follows:
