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United States

USS Ronald Reagan Joins South Korean Navy For Latest Round Of 'War Games'

USS Ronald Reagan Joins South Korean Navy For Latest Round Of 'War Games'

North Korea swiftly quashed hopes for a détente with the US and its regional allies earlier this week when a government spokesman said there would be no sit-down between US and North Korean diplomats at a non-proliferation conference in Moscow this week.

Now that the North – presumably taking its ques from President Donald Trump who earlier this month ridiculed Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s attempts at backchanneling – has refused to participate in talks, tensions between the two nuclear-armed powers have escalated to absurd new heights.

An Outraged George W. Bush Lashes Out At Trump: "Bigotry Seems Emboldened"

An Outraged George W. Bush Lashes Out At Trump: "Bigotry Seems Emboldened"

Former President George W. Bush came out swinging against the current administration on Thursday, and while he did not name President Castro, Dubya blasted that "bigotry seems emboldened" in the U.S., while urging the country to accept "globalization" - the same globalization which both the IMF, the BIS and even the Federal Reserve now agree and warn has led to record wealth inequality in the US - while rejecting "white supremacy."

"Bigotry or white supremacy in any form is blasphemy against the American creed," Bush said.

BofA Lists 10 Triggers For The Next Crash: "It's Coming Between Thanksgiving And Valentine's Day"

BofA Lists 10 Triggers For The Next Crash: "It's Coming Between Thanksgiving And Valentine's Day"

Back in mid-July, BofA's chief investment strategist Michael Hartnett predicted that the "most dangerous moment for market will come in 3 or 4 months." Well, we are now "between 3 and 4" months since the forecast fate and the most dangerous moment we have experienced since then, ironically, is today's modest selloff on the 30 year anniversary of Black Monday. So looking back at his forecast, has Hartnett thrown in the towel on calls for a correction, and joined all the other BTFDers?
