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The Unraveling of American/Russian Relations — Paul Craig Roberts

The Unraveling of American/Russian Relations

Paul Craig Roberts

Dear Readers: I agree that the official Las Vegas story seems to be unraveling. A public mass shooting should be transparent, not opaque. I think we explored the story long enough to discover that without knowing the facts, we cannot arrive at an explanation with confidence.

China Is Threatening America's Unicorn Dominance

China Is Threatening America's Unicorn Dominance

The United States is the undisputed capital of the unicorn - private companies worth more than $1 billion. This title though, is becoming more and more under threat, primarily from China.

You will find more statistics at Statista

As Statista's Martin Armstrong notes, according to CB Insights, there are currently 215 unicorns in the world, of which 108 are from the U.S.

When it comes to the 'birth' of new unicorns however, America's strength is clearly being diluted.
