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The Less We Believe Them About Las Vegas, The More They Want Our Guns

The Less We Believe Them About Las Vegas, The More They Want Our Guns

Authored by James George Jatras via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

Once again, there has been a mass shooting in the United States and the usual script is in play.

America’s ‘gun culture’ is to blame!

  Before the blood was dry gun control advocates had trotted out their standard list of remedial measures, none of which would have prevented what had just taken place.

Tech Vs. Trump: The Great Battle Of Our Time Has Begun

Tech Vs. Trump: The Great Battle Of Our Time Has Begun

Authored by Niall Ferguson via The Spectator,

Social media helped Donald Trump take the White House. Silicon Valley won’t let it happen again...

In the 1962 Japanese sci-fi classic King Kong vs Godzilla, the two giant monsters fight to a stalemate atop Mount Fuji. I have been wondering for some time when the two giants of American social media would square up for what promises to be a comparably brutal battle. Finally, it began last month - and where else but on Twitter?

"Enough To Kill 5 Million People": Authorities Make One Of Biggest Fentanyl Busts In History

"Enough To Kill 5 Million People": Authorities Make One Of Biggest Fentanyl Busts In History

The Acting United States Attorney for the District of Nebraska announced earlier this morning that a joint force involving both the Drug Enforcement Administration and Nebraska State Patrol made one of the largest fentanyl busts in the history of the country.  According to authorities, 27 year old Edgar Navarro-Aguirre of California was arrested at an Amtrak station in Omaha carrying 15 kilos (33 pounds) of the deadly opioid.  Here is more from a local NBC affiliate:

Rickards Warns "Prepare For A Chinese Maxi-Devaluation"

Rickards Warns "Prepare For A Chinese Maxi-Devaluation"

Authored by James Rickards via The Daily Reckoning,

China is a relatively open economy; therefore it is subject to the impossible trinity.

China has also been attempting to do the impossible in recent years with predictable results.

Beginning in 2008 China pegged its exchange rate to the U.S. dollar. China also had an open capital account to allow the free exchange of yuan for dollars, and China preferred an independent monetary policy.

CDC Says Americans Are Fatter Than Ever Before; 40% Of Adults Now Considered Obese

CDC Says Americans Are Fatter Than Ever Before; 40% Of Adults Now Considered Obese

Despite the best efforts of our political elites to ban sodas, among other products deemed unhealthy by our growing nanny state, Americans just continue to grow ever fatter.  According to a new study from the Centers for Disease Control, 40% of Americans are now obese, a new all-time record high, and over 70% are overweight.  Per NBC:
