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Russia Increases Economic Support For North Korea As China Backs Away

Russia Increases Economic Support For North Korea As China Backs Away

Over the past two months, China, North Korea’s economic benefactor and formally the source of 90% of its foreign trade, has been withdrawing financial support, ostensibly under the auspices of US sanctions, as Communist Party leaders try to rein in the North’s nuclear program to appease the US and prevent a potentially destabilizing conflict on its border – a development that would be particularly unwelcome during the Communist Party’s upcoming national congress.

Spain Rebounds, Pound Tumbles In Quiet Session Ahead Of ECB Minutes, Fed Speakers

Spain Rebounds, Pound Tumbles In Quiet Session Ahead Of ECB Minutes, Fed Speakers

Global markets came off record highs, trading subdued, with US index futures unchanged as traders are unwilling to make major moves ahead of today's ECB minutes and tomorrow’s NFP release, and before speeches by central bankers including SF Fed President John Williams and the potential next Fed chair Jerome Powell, as well as ECB executive board members Peter Praet and Benoit Coeure. 

A Failing Empire, Part 2: De-Dollarisation - China and Russia's Plan From Petroyuan To Gold

A Failing Empire, Part 2: De-Dollarisation - China and Russia's Plan From Petroyuan To Gold

Authored by Federico Pieraccini via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

As seen in my previous article, US military power is on the decline, and the effects are palpable. In a world full of conflicts brought on by Washington, the economic and financial shifts that are occurring are for many countries a long-awaited and welcome development.

If we were to identify what uniquely fuels American imperialism and its aspirations for global hegemony, the role of the US dollar would figure prominently.
