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Spanish Stocks Tumble On Growing Catalan Crisis; Dollar Weakens As China Jumps

Spanish Stocks Tumble On Growing Catalan Crisis; Dollar Weakens As China Jumps

While U.S. equity futures were little changed in a rerun of every other morning this month ahead of a diagonal ramp that closes the S&P at daily all time highs, things were more volatile elsewhere with the dollar sliding as investors weighed the possibility that current Fed Governor Jerome Powell, seen widely as far more dovish than Kevin Warsh, might take the reins from Janet Yellen, who Bloomberg reported was said to be getting the cold shoulder.

Mattis: NATO Might Drop Ally Pakistan For "Connections With Terrorist Groups"

Mattis: NATO Might Drop Ally Pakistan For "Connections With Terrorist Groups"

Defense Secretary James Mattis told a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on Tuesday that Pakistan might be dropped by the United States as a NATO ally due to its support for the Taliban and other terrorist organizations. Currently, Pakistan is formally designated as a major non-NATO ally (MNNA) - a defense relationship which confers military and financial benefits but does not automatically imply a mutual defense pact.

Despite Opposition, Scotland Announces Fracking Ban - Calls For US To Do The Same

Despite Opposition, Scotland Announces Fracking Ban - Calls For US To Do The Same

Authored by Julia Conley via,

“We have so much wind and wave power that it is retrograde in the extreme to lend any support to the fracking industry.”

Environmental groups from around the world applauded Scotland on Tuesday for its decision to ban fracking, following an overwhelming public outcry against the practice - and called for the United States and the rest of the United Kingdom to follow suit.

Mass Shootings: The Military-Entertainment Complex's Culture Of Violence Turns Deadly

Authored by John Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,

This latest mass shooting in Las Vegas that left more than 50 people dead and more than 500 injured is as obscure as they come: a 64-year-old retiree with no apparent criminal history, no military training, and no obvious axe to grind opens fire on a country music concert crowd from a hotel room 32 floors up using a semi-automatic gun that may have been rigged to fire up to 700 rounds a minute, then kills himself.
