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After Quietest September Ever, Stocks Face Ominous 'Curse Of 7' In Q4

After Quietest September Ever, Stocks Face Ominous 'Curse Of 7' In Q4

After the quietest September in history for U.S. stocks...

Things may about to get a little more exciting - entering the final months of 2017, that last digit doesn’t bode well, if history is any indication.

As Bloomberg reports, some of the biggest fourth-quarter declines in the Dow Jones Industrial Average have occurred in years ending in seven, the worst being in a Black-Monday plagued 1987.

Behind Vancouver's Housing Bubble: How Canadian Casinos Are Use To Launder Millions In Chinese Drug Money

Behind Vancouver's Housing Bubble: How Canadian Casinos Are Use To Launder Millions In Chinese Drug Money

Nearly two years after we first observed that Vancouver's soaring real estate market is nothing but a bubbling melange of criminal Chinese oligarch "hot money", desperate to get parked offshore in any piece of real estate, but mostly in British Columbia regardless of price, a new multi-year investigation has uncovered extensive links - including money laundering and underground banking - between China's criminal underworld and British Columbia drug and casino cash and VIPs, as well as their connections to China, Macau and the notorious triads.

Rickards On "The Fragility Of The North Korean Nuclear Showdown"

Rickards On "The Fragility Of The North Korean Nuclear Showdown"

Amid today's contradictory statements from President Trump that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson "is wasting his time trying to negotiate with Little Rocket Man... Save your energy Rex, we'll do what has to be done!" and The State Department's statement that "The White House is still committed to a diplomatic approach" on North Korea, it appears the fragility of the North Korean nuclear showdown is a great as ever.
