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Russia Releases Photos Showing US Special Ops At ISIS Positions In Syria

Russia Releases Photos Showing US Special Ops At ISIS Positions In Syria

The Russian Defense Ministry has released aerial images allegedly showing ISIS, the SDF, and US special forces working side-by-side on the battlefield against Syrian and Russian forces in Dier ez-Zor, Syria.

Trumps Expands Travel Ban To Eight Countries, Adds North Korea, Venezuela

On Sunday evening, President Trump announced he would replace his controversial travel ban with a targeted list of restrictions that will enhance vetting for nationals from eight countries, and restrict or prohibit entry of citizens from North Korea and Venezuela among others, to the United States as part of a sweeping new travel ban that also slaps restrictions on Iran, Chad, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Somalia - countries that hardly have a "thriving" tourism industry with the US.

If Amazon Takes Over The World...

If Amazon Takes Over The World...

Authored by Scott Galloway op-ed via The Wall Street Journal,

Four tech giants - Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google - have added $2 trillion to their combined market capitalization since the 2007-09 recession, a sum that approaches the GDP of India. The concentrated wealth and power of these companies has alarmed many observers, who see their growth as a threat not just to consumers and other businesses but to American society itself.

"It's Trump's Fault" - US Employers Cut Bonuses For First Time In 7 Years

"It's Trump's Fault" - US Employers Cut Bonuses For First Time In 7 Years

As stagnant wages and rising tuition and medical costs squeeze middle class families, Bloomberg reports that US employers cut employee bonuses this year for the first time in seven years, further straining household budgets despite an ostensibly bright economic outlook. Bonuses slipped a tenth of a percentage point to 12.7% of total compensation this year, according to data from Aon Hewitt, which conducts an annual survey of more than 1,000 employers.

The One Question Goldman's Clients Are Asking This Week: "Where To From Here?"

The One Question Goldman's Clients Are Asking This Week: "Where To From Here?"

Two weeks ago, Goldman's clients were so worried about an imminent crash, the investment bank's chief equity strategist, David Kostin enumerated no less than 7 reasons why, as Goldman itself admitted, "the question every client asks: Is an equity correction imminent?” As a reminder, the reasons - summarized - were the following:
