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Frightened Californians Flood 911 With Calls After Spy Satellite Launch

In the latest sign of the paranoid times we live in, startled Southern Californians flooded 911 with calls Saturday night after the US launched its newest spy satellite into orbit from Vandenberg Air Force Base, forcing local fire and police departments to issue an alert clarifying that everything is fine and people shouldn’t panic, the Associated Press reports.

An Insider's View Of The Bitcoinization Of Venezuela

An Insider's View Of The Bitcoinization Of Venezuela

With Venezuela 'almost' defaulting on their government debt this week, Daniel Osorio, of Andean Capital Advisors, has had a front-row seat in the collapse of the socialist utopia, spending at least a week every month in the almost-failed state.

In a brief but fascinating interview on CNBC, Osorio discussed the fact that as Washington unleashes ever tougher sanctions on Maduro, China and Russia are all that's left for the country with the largest proven oil reserves in the world.

Then exposed the realities of living under Maduro's crazed policies:

Trump Threatens "Little Rocket Man", Says Kim "Won't Be Around Much Longer" As North Korea Holds Huge Anti-US Rally

Trump Threatens "Little Rocket Man", Says Kim "Won't Be Around Much Longer" As North Korea Holds Huge Anti-US Rally

The war of words between Trump and Kim escalated once again in the late hours on Saturday night, when President Trump sent another belligerent tweet directed at North Korea saying that if the country's foreign minister was speaking for North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in his threatening speech at the United Nations, "they won't be around much longer."

"Just heard Foreign Minister of North Korea speak at U.N. If he echoes thoughts of Little Rocket Man, they won't be around much longer!"

Pentagon To Probe "Evacuation Hoax" Messages Sent To US Soldiers In South Korea

Pentagon To Probe "Evacuation Hoax" Messages Sent To US Soldiers In South Korea

The Pentagon announced Friday that it would be launching an investigation into a series of fake messages sent to US soldiers stationed in South Korea and their family members on Thursday. In what probably sent a temporary chill down the spines of recipients, the messages warned that all "non-essential" (i.e. non-combat) personnel must evacuate the Korean Peninusla - suggesting that the long-dormant Korean War was about to explode once again into violence, Reuters reports.
