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Trump's China-Sanctions Madness Imperils The Dollar

Authored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

Last week US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin warned the US will impose new sanctions on China if it doesn't conform to UN sanctions on North Korea:

"If China doesn’t follow these sanctions, we will put additional sanctions on them and prevent them from accessing the U.S. and international dollar system, and that’s quite meaningful."

Sharyl Attkisson Rages "Looks Like Obama Spied On Trump, Just Like He Did To Me"

Sharyl Attkisson Rages "Looks Like Obama Spied On Trump, Just Like He Did To Me"

Authored by Sharyl Attkisson op-ed via,

Many in the media are diving deeply into minutiae in order to discredit any notion that President Trump might have been onto something in March when he fired off a series of tweets claiming President Obama had “tapped” “wires” in Trump Tower just before the election.

According to media reports this week, the FBI did indeed “wiretap” the former head of Trump’s campaign, Paul Manafort, both before and after Trump was elected.

Fed's Asset Bubbles Now At The Mercy Of The Rest Of The World's Central Bankers

Fed's Asset Bubbles Now At The Mercy Of The Rest Of The World's Central Bankers

"Like watching paint dry," is how The Fed describes the beginning of the end of its experiment with massively inflating its balance sheet to save the world. As former fund manager Richard Breslow notes, however, Yellen's decision today means the risk-suppression boot is on the other foot (or feet) of The SNB, The ECB, and The BoJ; as he writes, "have no fear, The SNB knows what it's doing."

"We've Never Seen Anything Like This" - Maria Slams Puerto Rico With 9-Foot Storm Surge, 155Mph Winds

"We've Never Seen Anything Like This" - Maria Slams Puerto Rico With 9-Foot Storm Surge, 155Mph Winds

Hurricane Maria made landfall near the city of Yabucoa, Puerto Rico, at around 6:15 am Wednesday, according to the National Hurricane Center, battering the densely populated eastern side of the island with torrential rains and 155 mph gusts as hundreds of thousands of people hunkered down in one of the island's 500 storm shelters in hopes of riding out the second major hurricane to impact the island within two weeks.

Category 4 Maria slammed the island with winds of 155 mph, just 2 mph short of category 5 status.
