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What Housing Recovery? Real Home Prices Still 16% Below 2007 Peak

What Housing Recovery? Real Home Prices Still 16% Below 2007 Peak

Since the financial crisis, home equity has gone from being America’s biggest driver of (illusory) wealth to one of the biggest sources of economic inequality.

And while the post-crisis recovery has returned the national home price index to its highs from early 2007, most of this rise was generated by a handful of urban markets like New York City and San Francisco, leaving most Americans behind.

Special Prosecutor Mueller Is a Political Hack

The New York Times characterizes special prosecutor Robert Mueller as being independent and fair:

Robert S. Mueller III managed in a dozen years as F.B.I. director to stay above the partisan fray, carefully cultivating a rare reputation for independence and fairness.

Let’s fact-check the Times …

Anthrax Frame-Up

Mueller presided over the incredibly flawed anthrax investigation.

Tennessee Counties Sue Opioid Makers Using Local "Crack Tax" Law

Tennessee Counties Sue Opioid Makers Using Local "Crack Tax" Law

The US opioid epidemic has continued to worsen in 2017 as super-powerful synthetic opioids like fentanyl and carfentanil taint the nation’s heroin supply. While the FBI’s final tally has yet to arrive, preliminary data suggest that overdose deaths last year eclipsed the 50,000 recorded nationally in 2015 – the most ever. And the body count is expected to be even higher in 2017.

Carmageddon Crashes into “the Recovery” Right on Schedule — EXACTLY as Predicted Here

Carmageddon Crashes into “the Recovery” Right on Schedule — EXACTLY as Predicted Here

The following article by David Haggith was published first on The Great Recession Blog

Carmageddon, as Wolf Richter has called it, is hitting the US economy exactly as I said a year and a half ago would start to happen at the very end of 2016 or the start of 2017. Measured year-on-year, auto sales have declined every month of 2017, and are now starting to cause the financial wreckage that I said we would experience in what will become a demolition derby for US auto manufacturers.

