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Rep. Chaffetz Wants to See Leakers In Handcuffs and Behind Bars

Rep. Chaffetz Wants to See Leakers In Handcuffs and Behind Bars


Content originally published at

Ever since the election, the regressive left, in conjunction with shills inside of the deep state, have been committing acts of treason -- purposely trying to unseat the President of the United States via false allegations of Russian collusion. Nearly a year into 'investigations', none of the claims that they've made have borne any fruit.

FBI Arrests NSA Contractor Who Leaked Top Secret "Russian Hacking" Document To The Intercept

FBI Arrests NSA Contractor Who Leaked Top Secret "Russian Hacking" Document To The Intercept

Earlier this afternoon, the Intercept reported that according to a "top secret NSA document", Russian Military Intelligence "executed a cyberattack on at least one U.S. voting software supplier and sent spear-phishing emails to more than 100 local election officials days before election."

Saudi Arabia Shuts Local Al Jazeera Office For "Promoting Plots Of Terrorist Groups"

Shortly after Saudi Arabia announced it had cut ties with Qatar over Doha's alleged support for Islamists and Iran, on Monday the kingdom said it had also shut the local office of Al Jazeera, Qatar's influential satellite channel, and had revokved its license. Riyadh views Al Jazeera as critical of its government, but the outlet says it is an independent news service giving a voice to everyone in the region. The move was announced by state television.

From Saudi press agency SPA, google translated:

The Trump Train-Wreck

The Trump Train-Wreck


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The Trump Train-Wreck

Written by Jeff Nielson (CLICK HERE FOR ORIGINAL)




Is Donald Trump the least-intelligent President in the history of the United States? We will never know, since U.S. presidents don’t have to pass I.Q. tests – they just have to win popularity contests.
