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United States

"How Does This Ever End?" An Interview With Lacy Hunt

"How Does This Ever End?" An Interview With Lacy Hunt

The US economy is struggling with too much debt at every level. A debt jubilee isn’t going to solve it; and shifting demographics will likely make it worse. So, is America headed for two decades of lost growth like Japan? Dr. Lacy Hunt, who was interviewed by Erik Townsend on the latter's MacroVoices podcast, considers the endgame for the US economy... Well, we could get lucky, Hunt says.

How America Could End Up In An Unexpected War With China

Authored by Doug Bandow via The National Interest,

Three decades ago the People’s Republic of China was an economic backwater. Today the PRC sports the world’s second-largest economy. Shanghai most dramatically illustrates the country’s transformation. The city is filled with stylish office buildings, five-star hotels, luxury stores and foreign visitors.

New Home Prices Are Over 50% Higher In Canada Than The US

New Home Prices Are Over 50% Higher In Canada Than The US

Authored by Kaitlin Last via,

The price of new homes is quickly diverging in Canada and the US.

 Data from the Canadian Housing and Mortgage Corporation (CMHC) show that new homes are selling for substantially more than the same time last year.


Meanwhile south of the border, data from the US Bureau of Census show that new home prices are on the decline.
