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United States

Mapped: The Safest Cities in the U.S.

Mapped: The Safest Cities in America

The phrase “small town America” often conjures up images of white picket fences, well-trimmed lawns, and big houses. But how safe is modern-day suburbia in America?

Some of the smallest places in the country can actually be among the most dangerous. Take for example Bessemer, Alabama, with a population of around 26,000 and a violent crime rate of 33.1 per every 1,000 residents.

Mapped: The Most Dangerous Cities in the U.S.

Mapped: The Most Dangerous Cities in the U.S.

Crime is seemingly always increasing—at least according to the headlines.

The focus is usually on big cities like Chicago or San Francisco, but some of the most dangerous cities in the U.S. are actually smaller or suburban cities, at least according to new per capita data from NeighborhoodScout.

The map above reveals the most dangerous urban areas in the U.S., in terms of how many violent crimes occur for every 1,000 residents. It uses the latest FBI crime data and Census Bureau populations available in 2023.

Bombshell! FBI Colluded With Ukraine Intelligence To Silence Americans!

In a shocking new report released by the US House Judiciary Committee, it is alleged that the FBI passed Ukrainian intelligence requests to US social media that certain accounts be silenced for "Russian disinformation." Many of the accounts were Americans exercising their First Amendment right to disagree with US government policy. Also today: Biden rejects Congressional calls for oversight on massive US wealth transfer to Ukraine. Watch today's Liberty Report:

Do You Remember The Chaos That “Underwater” Properties Caused In 2008 And 2009? Well, It Is Starting To Happen Again…

We never seem to learn.  Over a decade ago, our leaders created the biggest housing bubble of all time, and when it finally burst the entire globe experienced great financial pain.  So did they learn from their mistakes and fix the system?  No, instead they just created an even bigger housing bubble.  Now that housing bubble is beginning to burst, and that is going to have very serious implications for all of us.
