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The US Is About To Hit $20 Trillion In Debt: Here's How It Affects You

The US Is About To Hit $20 Trillion In Debt: Here's How It Affects You

Authored by Shaun Bradley via,

As the vulture pundits in the mainstream media pick apart hollow political scandals, the essential bankruptcy of the federal government looms just ahead. The national debt is creeping toward 20 trillion dollars, and the United State’s largest problem is once again staring the world in the face.

China Is Again Selling US Treasuries As Foreign Central Banks Liquidate $45BN

China Is Again Selling US Treasuries As Foreign Central Banks Liquidate $45BN

After December's brief dead cat bounce, in which foreign central banks bought $18.6 billion in US Treasuries, breaking a streak of 12 consecutive months of selling, in January they resumed their liquidation. According to the just released TIC data, foreign official institutions, which includes mostly central banks, but also sovereign wealth funds and various other official entities, sold another $44.9 billion in Treasuries, in line with the aggressive selling seen for most of 2016.

Russian Spy Ship Returns Off US East Coast, Just 20 Miles Away From Georgia Sub Base

Russian Spy Ship Returns Off US East Coast, Just 20 Miles Away From Georgia Sub Base

The last time the Russian Cold War-era spy ship Viktor Leonov (SSV-175), was spotted off the US East Coast on what was its first Atlantic mission since President Trump was elected, was exactly one month ago, when it was located just 30 miles from Groton, Connecticut. Grotton is also known as the "home of the submarine force" and is the primary east coast submarine base for the US.
