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10-Year Annualized Forecasts for Major Asset Classes

10-Year Annualized Forecasts for Major Asset Classes

While there’s no way of predicting the future, quantitative models can help us come up with a general idea of how different asset classes may perform in the future.

One example is Vanguard’s Capital Markets Model (VCMM), which has produced a set of 10-year annualized return forecasts for both equity and fixed income markets.

Ranked: The Most Affordable U.S. Cities for Home Buyers

Ranked: The Most Affordable U.S. Cities for Home Buyers

Just before the pandemic, the average home price in the U.S. was $313,000—a figure that has since jumped by 40% to $436,800 today. As home prices and mortgage rates increase, home ownership is becoming an unrealistic dream for some.

In the cities ranked above, however, buying a house is a much more attainable goal.

NASA Blocks Replies to Its ‘Pride Month’ Tweet

Generally, the posts of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) at Twitter are open for replies. But, that is not the case for NASA’s June 2 tweet regarding “Pride Month.” When the United States government agency shares an impressive photograph or video, such as video of a spacewalk in a June 9 tweet, the ability of Twitter users to post replies below the tweet is left open. As would be expected, most of the 150 replies as of June 12 to that spacewalk tweet are positive. Score for NASA public relations.
