Trump "Breaks Ice" With China's Xi, Sends Thank You Letter Seeking "Constructive Relationship"
After a fiery start to his foreign policy overtures, Trump is gradually normalizing his approach to international diplomacy.
After a fiery start to his foreign policy overtures, Trump is gradually normalizing his approach to international diplomacy.
Submitted by Martin Armstrong via,
The U.S. government has authorised the use of killing citizens via firing squad in an overhaul of the death penalty laws in Mississippi. Due to the unconstitutional nature of lethal injections, a lawmaker proposed the idea of allowing the State to use gassing, firing squads or electrocutions instead. reports: There’s no killing capital punishment in State Representative Andy Gipson’s (R-Braxton) House Bill 638. His legislation would set up a list of replacement methods for execution should the state find any single one unconstitutional.
Submitted by Brandon Smith via,
For months now, long before the 2016 election, I have been warning about a specific social dynamic which is likely to lead to a form of civil war within the U.S.; namely, the reality that people on the left side of the political spectrum would become despondent at the inevitable loss of their candidate, Hillary Clinton, and that they would react by becoming far more militant. In my article 'Order Out Of Chaos: The Defeat Of The Left Comes With A Cost', published November post-election, I stated:
Submitted by John Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,
“After five years of Hitler’s dictatorship, the Nazi police had won the FBI’s seal of approval.” - Historian Robert Gellately
“Adolf Hitler is alive and well in the United States, and he is fast rising to power.” - Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, on the danger posed by the FBI to our civil liberties
Lately, there’s been a lot of rhetoric comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. The concern is that a Nazi-type regime may be rising in America.