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Bibi Blasts Kerry's Speech As "Biased Against Israel", Delivers Statement - Live Feed

Following his earlier tweet to president-elect Trump thanking him for his "warm friendship," Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu lashed out at US Secretary of State John Kerry's speech as "biased against Israel," as he said Israel "will never have true peace" with the Arab world if it does not reach an accord based on Israelis and Palestinians living in their own states.

This follows acusations that The White House was being the vote...

As Reuters reports,

US And Germany To Replace Media With State Controlled Propaganda

Global totalitarians are rejoicing at German and US moves to replace the free press with state controlled propaganda. Once the citizenry accept the conceit that some news is ‘real’ (and therefore, good) while other news is ‘fake’ (and therefore, bad) they will voluntarily submit to censorship. Freedom of the press can easily be replaced by sanctioned propaganda, it is happening before our very eyes. Hitler would be breathless at the slick operation being enacted by the establishment in Washington and Germany.

What is Henry Kissinger Up To? — Paul Craig Roberts

What is Henry Kissinger Up To?

Paul Craig Roberts

The English language Russian news agency, Sputnik, reports that former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger is advising US president-elect Donald Trump how to “bring the United States and Russia closer together to offset China’s military buildup.”

US, German Made Shells Found By Russian Sappers In Aleppo

Russian bomb disposal teams are still sweeping the schools and mosques of Aleppo for booby-traps, mines and munitions in previously rebel controlled areas. Some of the explosives that have been recovered come from the US and Germany as well as other parts of the world. RT reports: Since starting their mine-swiping mission in the Syrian city three weeks ago, the sappers have cleared 966 hectares, the Russian Syrian Reconciliation Center reported on Wednesday.

Global Stocks Rise, Dow Flirts With 20,000 As London Reopens; Oil In Longest Winning Streak In 7 Years

Global markets continued their levitation with the UK returning from vacation, pushing the MSCI Asia Pacific Index higher for the first time in seven days, while oil headed for the longest winning streak in almost seven years ahead of the promised OPEC production cut which is set to begin in just days.
