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Markets Award Trump Nobel Prize In Economics

Markets Award Trump Nobel Prize In Economics

Submitted by Jake Weber via,

It took only nine days in office for President Obama to be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Less than nine months later, the Norwegian Nobel Committee followed through and awarded Obama the Nobel Prize for “his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy.” That, despite the fact Obama had no significant diplomatic accomplishments.

A Bearish David Rosenberg Re-Emerges: "Fade This Rally" As "Trump Will Engineer A Return To Deflation"

A Bearish David Rosenberg Re-Emerges: "Fade This Rally" As "Trump Will Engineer A Return To Deflation"

While the majority of sellside analysts predict that the impact of Trump's fiscal stimulus policies will be largely beneficial for US inflation and economic growth, if only in the short-term, with a knock on reverse effect following shortly after...

... one prominent strategist disagrees.

According to a recent report from Gluskin Sheff's David Rosenberg, in which he lays out is "out-of-the-box" call for 2017, "Trump will accidentally engineer a return to the disinflation trade" in the coming year, well ahead of most expectations.

Facebook Fake News Checkers Affiliated With US Gov?

Facebook's war on 'fake news' has skeptics asking: Who decides? … Facebook’s big crackdown on so-called “fake news” has one glaring fault, according to critics: Who gets to say what’s real and what’s not? – Fox News

Facebook, which is rapidly becoming the largest “news” agency in the world, intends to use a selected group of supposedly non-government facilities to determine what’s fake or not when it comes to news dissemination on its vast ‘Net site.

Obama Plans Retaliatory Strike On Russia Before Leaving Office

The Obama administration has been threatening a retaliatory strike on Russia for the US election hacking and leaking scandal that gave Donald Trump the White House instead of establishment favourite Hillary Clinton. US President Barack Obama is planning a massive cyberattack against the Russian Federation before leaving office that could put the United States and Russia in a state of virtual war.

Podesta: "FBI Only Contacted Me After Wikileaks Started Dropping My Emails"

Podesta: "FBI Only Contacted Me After Wikileaks Started Dropping My Emails"

The man who is undisputedly ground zero of the "Russian hacking campaign", former Clinton campaign chairman, John Podesta, whose emails provided an in-depth glimpse into the illict practices of the top echelon of US politics, and certainly the Clinton campaign itself, confirmed accusations of "pay-to-play" lobbed against the Clinton Family Foundation, and exposed the incestuous relationship between the Clinton dynasty and the "free press", which was revealed to be at times nothing more than the Public Relations arm of the Clinton campaign, spoke on NBC's Meet The Press this morning
