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United States

Obama Vows to Exact Revenge Against Russia for Unsubstantiated Russian Hacking Claims

Those who deny the assertions put forth by the Washington Post, citing unnamed and nefarious CIA sources, regarding Russian intervention in the US elections, are being labeled as traitors. Conservatives view all of the Russian hysteria business as the final stage of grief being played out in public, by a completely broken and mentally addled globalist movement left in shambles.

Goldman Warns Bond Yields Are Now "A Threat To Risky Assets"

Goldman Warns Bond Yields Are Now "A Threat To Risky Assets"

At the end of November, when the 10Y yield had just cracked 2.3%, Goldman, together with SocGen, JPM, RBC and various other banks, gave its answer to what may be one of the most important questions for the market right now: how high can 10Y bond yields go before they start to hurt equities? Goldman answered that "the equity market is still at a level that can cope with moderately rising bond yields.

Happy Bill of Rights Day … Are There Any Left?

Happy Bill of Rights Day … Are There Any Left?

Today is Bill of Rights Day in America.

Happy Bill of Rights Day!

This post explains the liberties guaranteed in the Bill of Rights – the first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution – and provides a scorecard on the extent of the loss of each right.

Painting by Anthony Freda:

First Amendment

The 1st Amendment protects speech, religion, assembly and the press:

Hypocrisy Behind The Russian-Election Frenzy

Hypocrisy Behind The Russian-Election Frenzy

Submitted by Robert Parrry via,

As Democrats, the Obama administration and some neocon Republicans slide deeper into conspiracy theories about how Russia somehow handed the presidency to Donald Trump, they are behaving as they accused Trump of planning to behave if he had lost, questioning the legitimacy of the electoral process and sowing doubts about American democracy.
