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"I Don’t Want To Alarm Anyone But..." - David Rosenberg Flips Again, Thinks We Are Headed For A Recession

"I Don’t Want To Alarm Anyone But..." - David Rosenberg Flips Again, Thinks We Are Headed For A Recession

Back in 2013, when David Rosenberg infamously flip-flopped from bear to bull on the "thesis" that everyone's wages (not just his), are about to rise, and that a jump in wage inflation would be the catalyst to unleash a broad economic recovery in the process crushing bonds, we were decidedly skeptical.

Silver Bullion – Perfect Storm Brewing in the Market

Silver Bullion – Perfect Storm Brewing in the Market

Silver Bullion – Perfect Storm Brewing in the Market

The physical silver bullion market is seeing a “perfect storm” brewing according to an article replete with some recent videos about the silver market by Rory Hall of the precious metals website, The Daily Coin.

From the Daily Coin:

Silver has been money longer than gold. Silver is called the “people’s money”, while gold is called the “money of kings”.

US Government Intentionally Destroys 9/11 Evidence

Judges and lawyers know that – if someone intentionally destroys evidence – he’s probably trying to hide his crime.  American law has long recognized that destruction of evidence raises a presumption of guilt for  the person who destroyed the evidence.

So what does it mean when the US government intentionally destroyed massive amounts of evidence related to 9/11?

Judge and Prosecutor Destroy Evidence
