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United States

Judge Tells New Citizens Go To Another Country If You Don’t Like Trump

A federal judge presiding over a citizenship ceremony in San Antonio, Texas told new U.S. citizens that they should go to another country if they don’t like President-elect Donald Trump. reports: “I can assure you that whether you voted for him or you did not vote for him, if you are a citizen of the United States, he is your president,” Judge John Primomo said.

War Breaks Out Between Neo-Cons And Libertarians Over Trump's Foreign Policy

In late October, when it was still conventional wisdom that Hillary was "guaranteed" to win the presidency, the WaPo explained that among the neo-con, foreign policy "elites" of the Pentagon, a feeling of calm content had spread: after all, it was just a matter of time before the "pacifist" Obama was out, replaced by the more hawkish Hillary.

The American Military's Real Problem: Shooting 'Ants' With 'Elephant Guns'

Submitted by Tobias Burgers via,

In combating asymmetric threats, we have to ask ourselves, on which side of the asymmetry do we sit? Typically and almost in a cliché manner, we depict our side as superior – we have the technology, we have the equipment, we have the on-going development capabilities. But do we really have the money for such high-end, extended, near-endless military campaigns?

Obama Admits He "Can't Pardon" Snowden Before A Trial - Sorry, Hillary

Obama Admits He "Can't Pardon" Snowden Before A Trial  - Sorry, Hillary

After everyone from Jesse Jackson, to the terrified mainstream media to prominent Congressional Democrats have called upon Obama to issue a blanket pardon for Hillary Clinton, he finally admitted that it's not possible to pardon someone who hasn't yet stood trial for a crime.  And while Obama was referencing a potential pardon of Edward Snowden with his comments, one could assume that the law should be applied the same way for all U.S. citizens.

Obama's 'Zero' Legacy

Obama's 'Zero' Legacy

Authored by Eric Zuesse via,

«Trump did more than any democrat to deflate the neocon/neoliberal agenda that liberals themselves screamed was fascist when Bush was president».

That was a brilliant and profoundly true reader-comment recently posted about Hillary Clinton supporters who are demonstrating against Trump’s winning the Presidency.
