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Will The Fed Hike In June? It's All In The Hands Of China Now, Deutsche Bank Explains

Will The Fed Hike In June? It's All In The Hands Of China Now, Deutsche Bank Explains

Over the weekend, Deutsche Bank's chief credit strategist Dominic Konstam released a report in which as we documented, he explained his reasons why "the market is not ready for a June hike." This was his key point:

The operative question is whether markets are sufficiently calm for the Fed to use the June 2016 meeting to pave the way for a July hike.


Will Russia Succumb To Washington’s Economic Attack? — Paul Craig Roberts

Will Russia Succumb To Washington’s Economic Attack?

Paul Craig Roberts

Yesterday State Department deputy propaganda spokesperson Mark Toner reminded US companies that there are economic and reputational risks associated with doing business with Russia until Russia gives Crimea back to Washington’s puppet government in Kiev.

I see the matter differently from the US State Department.

Just Stop It!

Just Stop It!

Submitted by David Stockman via Contra Corner blog,

The posse of fools in the Eccles Building is so petrified of a stock market hissy fit that it has more or less created a Wall Street doomsday machine.

After trolling on the zero bound for 89 straight months now, the FOMC falsely believes that it has levitated the U.S. economy to the cusp of full-employment via massive liquidity and wealth effects pumping.
