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FBI Director Contradicts US Intelligence - "No Evidence" Of Terrorism In EgyptAir Crash

FBI Director Contradicts US Intelligence - "No Evidence" Of Terrorism In EgyptAir Crash

Even the best and the brightest within the United States are now contradicting each other on what happened to EgyptAir Flight MS804.

Earlier today, reports came out that US Intel saw evidence of an explosion, meaning a terrorist attack had taken down the flight.



As we explain in our book Splitting Pennies - the world is not as we think!  Every day, our money is worth less and less, and markets become more cumbersome, regulated, and overall disfunctional (except for an elite group of billionaires that can front run orders due to advanced computer-aided execution because of 'order types').  We explained in an article about America's Big Red Forex Button, now we need to elaborate on the 'nuclear option' - considering that leading generals are saying more and more that war with Russia is 'plausible' if not 'likely'.

China Furious After US Launches Trade War "Nuke" With 522% Duty

China Furious After US Launches Trade War "Nuke" With 522% Duty

Now that China's brief infatuation with "rationalizing" excess capacity in its massively glutted (and insolvent) steel sector is over after lasting all of 2-3 months, China is back to doing what it did in late 2015 (and what it has always done) when as we reported, a surge in Chinese exports led to the first salvos in the trade war between China - the world's biggest exporter of various steel products and is responsible for half the entire world's steel output - and countries who are importing dumped Chinese products at the expense of their own steel and mining industries.
