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"It's All Fun & War-Games" In Russia, Until...

"It's All Fun & War-Games" In Russia, Until...

Amid Russia's largest wargames yet, with over 100,000 taking part in "Zapad 2017" according to NATO, independent news site has released footage of a rather shocking event.

Reuters reports that a military helicopter on a rural training exercise in western Russia mistakenly fired rockets at a group of parked vehicles, knocking at least one person to the ground, footage posted by Russian news sites and on social media showed.

Trump Prevented War Between Saudi Arabia And Qatar In Last Minute: Report

In what may be the most bizarre news of the day, Bloomberg reports that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates were "close to taking military action in the early stages of their ongoing dispute with Qatar", until Donald Trump called the leaders of both countries and warned them to back off; in other words, Trump's intervention prevented yet another gulf war, which if true will make the U.S. Millitary-Industrial complex very unhappy as Trump's peace effort likely cost US offense defense companies tens of billions in lost profits.

Defense Secretary Mattis Says US Will Act On North Korea Missiles That Pose A Threat

As President Donald Trump prepares to make his first speech to the United Nations, Secretary of Defense James Mattis was pushing the administration’s line on North Korea, saying that the US has “many military options” available for toppling North Korea’s unstable regime that wouldn’t risk millions of deaths in Seoul.

“There are many military options, in concert with our allies, that we will take to defend our allies and our own interests,” Mattis said, declining to elaborate or provide any further details.
