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Rome Is Burning... This Time It's By Refugees


Police in Rome evicted 100s of refugees that had occupied Piazza Independenza just one block from the country’s main train station.

The squatters were defiant so local police used water cannons and batons in the forceful eviction. As Reuters reports,

Some 100 refugees had occupied Piazza Independenza since Saturday, when most of about 800 squatters were evicted from an adjacent office building they had occupied for about five years.


Gun Control Laws Have Failed Latin America

Gun Control Laws Have Failed Latin America

Authored by Jose Nino via The Mises Institute,

It’s no secret that Latin America is rife with violence. A recent ranking from the Citizen's Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice (CCSPJP) further illustrates this point with the top 10 most violent cities in the world being exclusively located in Latin America. Additionally, Latin America has the dishonor of having 43 of the 50 most violent urban centers located in the region.
