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The Last Frontier For Gun Control: Washington Court Rules In Favor Of Seattle's "Gun Violence" Tax

The Last Frontier For Gun Control: Washington Court Rules In Favor Of Seattle's "Gun Violence" Tax

Authored by Daniel Lang via,

Two years ago, the president of the Seattle City Council offered a rather ludicrous proposition. He wanted Seattle to place a new tax on the sale of firearms and ammunition within the city limits. Ammo would cost an additional 2-5 cents per round, and a firearm would cost an extra $25.

But what was even more absurd than the tax itself, is what the money would be going toward. The tax was supposed to pay for gun violence prevention programs and research.

Berlin Police Separate Hundreds Of Neo-Nazis, Opponents In Hess Tribute March

Berlin Police Separate Hundreds Of Neo-Nazis, Opponents In Hess Tribute March

Approximately 500 Neo-Nazis and far-right extremists are marching in Berlin on Saturday to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the death of Hitler’s first deputy and right-hand man Rudolf Hess, German media reported. At the same time hundreds of counter-demonstrators have gathered near the parade in Berlin's Spandau district, separated by hundreds of heavily armored police, according to AP.

Pat Buchanan Asks "In This Second American Civil War - Whose Side Are You On?"

Authored by Patrick Buchanan via,

"They had found a leader, Robert E. Lee -- and what a leader! ... No military leader since Napoleon has aroused such enthusiastic devotion among troops as did Lee when he reviewed them on his horse Traveller."

So wrote Samuel Eliot Morison in his magisterial "The Oxford History of the American People" in 1965.

Leaked UN Report: Saudi Coalition Responsible For Mass Child Deaths In Yemen

Leaked UN Report: Saudi Coalition Responsible For Mass Child Deaths In Yemen

A leaked United Nations report finds that Saudi Arabia has massacred thousands of children in Yemen since the start of its air campaign in the impoverished country and now the Saudis are using their vast wealth and influence to suppress the document's findings in order to stay off of a UN blacklist identifying nations which violate child rights.
