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China Unveils New Weapons - From Stealth Fighters To ICBMs

China Unveils New Weapons - From Stealth Fighters To ICBMs

Authored by Jeffrey Lin and P.W.Singer via,

As part of the People's Liberation Army's 90th anniversary celebration - it was founded on August 1, 1927 -  President Xi Jinping (in military fatigues) hosted a giant parade at the Zhurihe Training Center.

Zhurihe - Zhurihe certainly has enough room to hold all the people and equipment for a parade with thousands of soldiers, hundreds of tanks and armored vehicles, and dozens of ICBMs. -Xinhua News Agency

Ron Paul Urges Trump To Dump AG: "Jeff Sessions Endorses Theft"

Ron Paul Urges Trump To Dump AG: "Jeff Sessions Endorses Theft"

Authored by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity,

Attorney General Jeff Sessions recently ordered the Justice Department to increase the use of civil asset forfeiture, thus once again endorsing an unconstitutional, authoritarian, and increasingly unpopular policy.

Civil asset forfeiture, which should be called civil asset theft, is the practice of seizing property believed to be involved in a crime. The government keeps the property even if it never convicts, or even charges, the owner of the property.

US Preparing For Airstrikes Against ISIS In The Philippines

US Preparing For Airstrikes Against ISIS In The Philippines

Now that ISIS - the perpetual scapegoat for US intervention in the Syrian proxy war - is no longer viable, with the Qatar, Saudi-funded and Pentagon-equipped terrorist organization scattered and on the run, and there is no longer an imperative to remove Assad from power as the Qatar natgas pipeline to Europe is mothballed indefinitely while Russia and Iran are the de facto undisputed rulers of Syria, it is time to focus popular anger against ISIS elsewhere... like in the Philippines.  And not wasting any time, NBC reports that the Pentagon is considering a plan allowing the U.S.

North Korea Refuses To Negotiate, Threatens US With "Severe Nuclear Lesson"

For all the hope that this weekend's UN breakthrough, in which the Security Council voted unanimously 15-0 to impose $1 billion in sanctions on North Korea exports, that saw both China and Russia side with the US, would lead to a resolution of the North Korean crisis, it appears that the rogue regime refuses to even contemplate a negotiation or a cooling of tensions and on Monday, North Korea threatened to use nuclear weapons against the U.S. if provoked militarily and said it would “under no circumstances” negotiate on its nuclear and missile weapons programs.

NATO Beefs Up Logistics Infrastructure For Offensive Operations

NATO Beefs Up Logistics Infrastructure For Offensive Operations

Authored by Alex Gorka via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

Some very important news is kept out of spotlight and undeservedly so. Bits of information pieced together indicate that very quietly the North Atlantic alliance is gearing up for large-scale combat operations. War preparations are not limited to weapon systems deployments and troop movements that hit headlines. No combat can be waged without logistics.
