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China Threatens India Over Border: "Leave Chinese Land Or Face War"

China Threatens India Over Border: "Leave Chinese Land Or Face War"

While the world's eyes are focused on Syria, Russia, Ukraine, and North Korea; there is another - much more tense - fight between two nuclear powers that is getting far too little attention. The world's two most populous nations, China and India, have been engaged in a border dispute for decades but in recent months it has flared once again with a Chinese Ministry of Defense official now warning explicitly that Indian troops must leave the contested Doklam area if they do not want war.

US Orders All Passport Holders Out Of North Korea After September 1

US Orders All Passport Holders Out Of North Korea After September 1

Having issued an indirect travel alert "urging" US national to "depart immediately" from North Korea two weeks ago, the US State Department has escalated their perspective on US citizens' travel to, in, or through North Korea dramatically by declaring all U.S. passports invalid for travel, implicitly ordering all Americans out of North Korea from September 1st 2017.



Notice of passport travel restriction.




Two US Troops Killed In Afghanistan After Taliban Suicide Attack

Two U.S. troops were killed in Afghanistan on Wednesday according to Reuters when a NATO convoy came under attack in Kandahar province, Pentagon spokesman Navy Captain Jeff Davis said, with NATO adding that the assault led to an unspecified number of casualties.

Turkey Bans Concerts, Hunger Strikes, Public Gatherings And Protests In Ankara

In the latest Turkish crackdown on civil freedoms, the governor's office
in Turkey's capital, Ankara, announced a month-long ban on public
gatherings and all forms of protests, including sit-ins, hunger strikes,
concerts and similar gatherings in order to "protect public order"
claiming that such activities increase the chances of terrorist attacks.
