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Republican Congress Members and Presidential Candidates Pushing for War in Mexico

Back in September of 2018, I criticized Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s suggestion that the United States military invade Mexico if Mexico legalizes heroin. Now, several Republican Congress members are using fentanyl fears as a new drug war basis for urging US military action south of the border. Politico writer Alexander Ward provided details in a Monday article. The article begins with the following:

Mapped: Ukrainian Refugee Destinations by the Numbers

Mapped: Ukrainian Refugee Destinations by the Numbers

It’s been more than a year since Russia invaded Ukraine and forced refugees to seek destinations for new (or temporary) homes.

As this ongoing conflict has dragged on, it has resulted in one of the worst humanitarian crises in Europe in recent times. Millions of people have fled their homes and sought temporary or permanent asylum in countries across Europe, and the world.

Revisiting Ron Paul’s 2004 House Foor Speech Calling for Disbanding NATO, ‘the Sooner the Better’

On March 30, 2004 — just over 19 years ago, then-Representative Ron Paul (R-TX) concluded a United Sates House of Representatives statement with a strong admonition regarding the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and US involvement in it. Paul stated:

In conclusion, we should not be wasting US tax money and taking on more military obligations expanding NATO. The alliance is a relic of the Cold War, a hold-over from another time, an anachronism. It should be disbanded, the sooner the better.

When President Grover Cleveland Rejected Congressional Pressure for War against Spain

During the Tuesday episode of the Ron Paul Liberty Report, host Ron Paul answered questions that viewers had submitted. In the process of answering one of the questions, Paul mentioned that there was an instance in which President Grover Cleveland, who Paul has praised before, stood up against congressional pressure for the United States to go to war.While Paul did not go into details about the instance when mentioning it in his answer, what Cleveland did was refuse to go to war with Spain in the name of aiding an insurrection in Cuba.Historian Henry F.
