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Latest North Korean ICBM Can Reach Los Angeles, Denver, Chicago

Latest North Korean ICBM Can Reach Los Angeles, Denver, Chicago

While North Korea has test fired numerous ballistic missiles (mostly intermediate-range, including one intercontinental) in the past, and as such today's launch was largely seen as merely the latest political provocation to Trump by a seemingly oblivious Kim John-Un, there was one notable difference in the launch post-mortem: according to press and Pentagon reports, the maximum altitude attained by the ICBM was 3,700 km (2,300 miles) with a flight time of about 47 minutes.

US Orders Venezuela Embassy Families Out As Crisis "Showdown" Arrives

US Orders Venezuela Embassy Families Out As Crisis "Showdown" Arrives

On Thursday, the U.S. government ordered family members of employees at its embassy in Venezuela to leave as the nation's political crisis deepened ahead of a controversial vote critics contend will end democracy in the oil-rich country. Similarly, Canada warned its nationals against non-essential travel to Venezuela and urged citizens already there to leave. As well as ordering relatives to leave, the U.S. State Department on Thursday also authorized the voluntary departure of any U.S.
