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Is Venezuela In Danger Of Becoming Another Syria?

Is Venezuela In Danger Of Becoming Another Syria?

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

You may recall this bizarre incident that occurred last month in Venezuela. A rogue police officer by the name of Oscar Perez, who is also well known in Venezuela for starring in several B-rated action movies, commandeered a helicopter, before dropping grenades on the nation’s Supreme Court building and strafing the Interior Ministry with gunfire. It was without a doubt, the strangest moment to come out of that nation’s ongoing civil unrest.

Iraqi Leader Says Iraq Needs Russia Not US

Iraqi Leader Says Iraq Needs Russia Not US

Nouri al-Maliki, the puppet that Washington put in office in Iraq after destroying the country said yesterday: “we would like Russia to have a substantial presence in our country, both politically and militarily.”

In his talks with Russia’s Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, earlier Monday, al-Maliki stressed that a Russian presence in Iraq would bring the balance which couldn’t be “undermined in a political sense in favor of any external party.”
