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Does The New York Times Want America In Iraq For One Hundred Years?

Does The New York Times Want America In Iraq For One Hundred Years?

Authored by Curt Mills via,

The headline of the New York Times piece was breathless: “Iran Dominates in Iraq After U.S. Handed the Country Over.” The content was only slightly less so:

“But after the United States’ abrupt withdrawal of troops in 2011, American constancy is still in question here - a broad failure of American foreign policy, with responsibility shared across three administrations.”

Billions Of Lives At Stake As China Threatens India With War After "Blatant Sovereignty Infringement"

Billions Of Lives At Stake As China Threatens India With War After "Blatant Sovereignty Infringement"

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

It could be argued that there’s never been a time in history, where so many Americans thought that we were on the brink of another major war. If you pay attention to the constant news stream of stories regarding Syria, North Korea, or Russia, you’d be hard pressed to deny it. In fact, a recent poll found that 76% of Americans are worried that another war will break out in the next 4 years, and 80% were afraid that we could be embroiled in a conflict with North Korea in the near future.

Be Suspicious of the Fake News that US is withdrawing from Syria and ceasing to arm ‘Rebels’

US Continues Supporting Terrorists in Syria

by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)

It’s naive to believe otherwise. It’s central to US strategy since launching war for regime change.

Tactics alone changed from then to now, not Washington’s objective – allied with Israel and other rogue states to topple Syria’s legitimate government.

White House Closing Down War Crimes Office (After Being Accused Of War Crimes)

White House Closing Down War Crimes Office (After Being Accused Of War Crimes)

Authored by Darius Shatahmasebi via,

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is reportedly closing a decades-old office in the State Department that has helped pursue justice for victims of war crimes.

The “Office of Global Criminal Justice” advises the secretary of state on issues surrounding war crimes and genocide. It was established by Bill Clinton’s secretary of state, Madeleine Albright, a woman who barely batted an eyelid while overseeing the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children.
