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A Mainstream Dose Of Reality On Iraq

Authored by Jacob Hornberger via,

Ever since the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, we have been hit with a multiplicity of bromides, myths, falsehoods, and deceptions by U.S. officials and the mainstream media.

“Saddam was coming to get us with his WMDs.”


“Mushroom clouds were going to start appearing over U.S. cities.”


“The troops in Iraq are defending our freedoms.”


"The troops are bringing freedom and democracy to Iraq.”


US Military Establishment Study Admits The American Empire Is "Collapsing"

Authored by Darius Shatahmasebi via,

A new study conducted by members of the U.S. military establishment has concluded that the U.S.-led international global order established after World War II is “fraying” and may even be “collapsing” as the U.S. continues to lose its position of “primacy” in world affairs.

"I Won't Let Myself Be F***ed": French Armed Forces Chief Resigns After Clashing With Macron

"I Won't Let Myself Be F***ed": French Armed Forces Chief Resigns After Clashing With Macron

France's armed forces chief resigned on Wednesday, culminating a dramatic dispute with president Emmanuel Macron over defense budget cuts, in what Reuters called "an early test of the newly elected president's mettle and the tough presidential style he is cultivating." Last week, General Pierre de Villiers publicly complained about Macron’s proposed €850 million cuts to the military's budget, telling a parliament committee he would not "let myself be fucked like that," adding that "I may be stupid, but I know when I am being had."
