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'See Ya!' Tulsi Dumps 'Woke, Warmongering' Democratic Party

Tulsi has left the chat. In a dramatic announcement this morning, former US Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) announced she was leaving the Democrat Party which she said "stands for a government of, by, and for the powerful elite." What's next for Tulsi and how will it shake up US politics? Also today, Russia's missile barrage continues as NATO chief Stoltenberg claims a win for Russia is a loss for...NATO! Finally, did the Brits plot to blow up the Kerch Bridge? Watch today's Liberty Report:

WWIII? Russia Announces Partial Mobilization For Ukraine War

Russian president Vladimir Putin announced this morning that Russia would partially mobilize its military forces in the ongoing Ukraine conflict, stating that it is NATO that is pulling the strings and sending the weapons to Kiev. The Russia/NATO proxy war has been long ongoing...but will the conflict take a turn to a direct clash? Also today, Pentagon announces a review of its psychological warfare conduct as scores of fake social identities are revealed. Today on the Liberty Report:

Breakaway Ukraine Republics To Hold Referenda On Joining Russia, Putin Speech Expected

Russian president Vladimir Putin is expected to make a major speech in hours regarding the special military operation in Ukraine as several breakaway republics in Ukraine will soon hold referenda on joining Russia. Is major escalation coming? Also today: Is Heritage Foundation turning conservative on foreign policy? Today on the Liberty Report:
