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9 Of The World's 10 Least-Peaceful Nations Were All Targeted By US Intervention

9 Of The World's 10 Least-Peaceful Nations Were All Targeted By US Intervention

Authored by Whitney Webb via,

The annual Global Peace Index, recently released for June 2017, has found that while the world is more peaceful now than last year, violence has increased significantly overall in the past decade.

Although the situation has improved in many countries, the ten lowest-ranking nations – known as the world’s “least peaceful” countries – have shown little change in recent years.

You will find more statistics at Statista

Hillary Clinton Explains The Way To Stop Terrorism Is To "Understand" Other Cultures & Their Food

Hillary Clinton Explains The Way To Stop Terrorism Is To "Understand" Other Cultures & Their Food

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via,

If you thought Hillary Clinton would stop talking any time soon then think again.

The defeated presidential candidate told a fundraiser for a youth program that the best way to stop terrorism was to “understand” other cultures and their food.

Yes, really.

The U.S. Uses Illegal Chemical Weapons …

Both the New York Times and Washington Post confirm that the U.S. used white phosphorous in densely populated Iraq and Syria.

Why does this matter?

The use of white phosphorus is a war crime under international treaties and domestic U.S. laws. For example, the Battle Book, published by the U.S. Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, contains the following sentence:

It is against the law of land warfare to employ WP [i.e. white phosphorous] against personnel targets.

Iran Claims Proof Of 'Direct US Support" For ISIS Days After Congressman Dana Rohrabacher Floats The Idea

Iran Claims Proof Of 'Direct US Support" For ISIS Days After Congressman Dana Rohrabacher Floats The Idea

Content originally generated at

Last Thursday, Congressman Dana Rohrabacher praised ISIS for coordinated terrorist attacks in Tehran which left 17 civilians dead - then suggested that the United States should support the terrorist organization in their endeavors to bring regime change to Iran, comparing the situation to working with Stalin's Russia to get Hitler.

"It's Madness" - Massive Anti-Government Protests In Venezuela Worsen, Patterns Emerge

"It's Madness" - Massive Anti-Government Protests In Venezuela Worsen, Patterns Emerge

Authoired by Mac Slavo via,

As protests against Venezuela’s “democratic socialist” government roll into their third month, Dr. Henrique Montbrun, who oversees the triage post in the municipality of Baruta, says the violence in the country has reached unprecedented levels. “It’s madness,” he says.
