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Biden: High Gas Prices For 'As Long As It Takes' To Defeat Russia

In a rare press conference after the Madrid NATO Summit today, President Biden was asked how long Americans should expect to pay high gas prices over the Ukraine conflict. Biden's response was flippant: "for as long as it takes." He also blamed high food prices on "Russia, Russia, Russia." Are Americans buying it? Also today: They're turning West Point into "Woke Point" and some retired grads are steaming! Watch today's Liberty Report:

News Explainer: The Economic Crisis in Sri Lanka

Explained: the Economic Crisis in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is currently in an economic and political crisis of mass proportions, recently culminating in a default on its debt payments. The country is also nearly at empty on their foreign currency reserves, decreasing the ability to purchase imports and driving up domestic prices for goods.

There are several reasons for this crisis and the economic turmoil has sparked mass protests and violence across the country. This visual breaks down some of the elements that led to Sri Lanka’s current situation.

A Timeline of Events

G7 Leaders Pledge Endless Money To Ukraine - 'As Long As It Takes'!

After two days in a luxurious German castle, President Biden and the rest of the G7 leaders pledged to continue shipping an endless pipeline of dollars to Ukraine, even as the war continues to be lost. With western enthusiasm waning, however, is this just hot air? Also today at G7: Don't say Covid! Finally today - US military recruiters find little interest among young Americans. Why? Watch today's Liberty Report:

NYT 'Bombshell' - CIA Massively Engaged On-Ground In Ukraine

In another case of who is leaking and why, the New York Times has revealed that the CIA is heavily involved in training and advising Ukraine in its war with Russia. As former CIA official Larry Johnson writes, this is a very selective leak from the US government. So we need to read between the lines to answer why. Also day before NATO's Madrid summit the talk is all about escalation. Watch today's Liberty Report:
